Understanding The Importance of Sedation Dentistry
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Understanding The Importance of Sedation Dentistry

Hey, my name is Shelly Katalgo. My love for sedation dentistry started in high school. My best friend had a severe fear of going to the dentist and I wanted to help her feel better about it. Although I always enjoyed my dental visits, I felt bad that she struggled so much with going to hers. My parents taught me about sedation dentistry and I instantly dreamed of becoming a dental professional. I wanted to help kids like my friend stay fear free throughout their appointments by using gentle techniques and professional medications. Although I opted to follow a different career path, my passion for dentistry remained throughout the years. I will update my site with developments in this industry as soon as they are reported. I will also discuss the benefits of sedation dentistry in detail. Thanks for visiting. I hope you come back soon.


Understanding The Importance of Sedation Dentistry

Shooting Pain In Your Teeth? How To Get Rid Of The Sensitivity

Franklin Steward

Sensitive teeth can be a real pain – literally! Many people think that it is something that they must live with because there is no cure and no remedy that they can put to use to reduce or obviate the sensitivity. However, this is not true.

Read on to learn more about why your teeth may be sensitive and what you can do about it.

What Causes Sensitive Teeth?

The pain that you feel with sensitive teeth can be sharp, shooting pain. The pain occurs because the dentin, which is the underlying layer of your teeth, becomes exposed. This then leads to very small holes that allow cold, hot and sweet food to reach your nerves, which results in that sharp, shooting pain.

Your sensitive teeth may be a result of brushing your teeth too hard, which has resulted in worn out enamel. If you use an electric toothbrush aggressively, this could be the problem and you may need to stop using an electric toothbrush altogether or be much more gentle with it. Another issue that could be causing the sensitivity is using the wrong toothpaste and/or mouthwash. Regardless of the cause, you have options to relieve that pain that you are experiencing.

How to Reduce or Eliminate Teeth Sensitivity

There are many ways you can help the sensitivity of your teeth. Here are a few:

  • Opt for a Softer Toothbrush – Opt for a soft-bristled toothbrush. Hard-bristled brushes may rub your teeth too hard, which will strip the enamel off of your teeth layer by layer.
  • Change Your Toothpaste – There is special toothpaste available for those with sensitive teeth. These toothpastes will generally work to help cover the holes that have developed and build the enamel back up so that the pain disappears. Opt for fluoride toothpaste. Avoid tartar control and whitening toothpastes, as these may cause the sensitivity to worsen.
  • Alter Your Diet – If you're consuming a lot of foods high in acid or a large amount of sugar and starch, then you are gradually breaking down the enamel layer of your teeth. If you do eat anything that is sweet, starchy or acidic, brush your teeth immediately. However, it's always best to avoid these foods as much as possible.
  • Start Chewing Gum – The reason you are experiencing sensitivity is because the hard protective layer of your teeth has been lost. By chewing more sugar-free gum, you are helping produce more saliva in the mouth, which can help re-harden the teeth.
  • Consider a "Painted" Barrier – You can also speak to your dentist about sealants or desensitizing agents. These will act as a barrier so that your nerves are protected from hot, cold and sweet foods. These will need to be reapplied every so often depending on the type of material used.

Speak with your dentist about your sensitivity – even if you're using some of the above tips – so that he or she can get to the root of the problem and provide you with an appropriate treatment plan. You don't have to keep suffering from sensitive teeth.To learn more, contact a company such as South Shore Prosthodontics for help.
