Hey, my name is Shelly Katalgo. My love for sedation dentistry started in high school. My best friend had a severe fear of going to the dentist and I wanted to help her feel better about it. Although I always enjoyed my dental visits, I felt bad that she struggled so much with going to hers. My parents taught me about sedation dentistry and I instantly dreamed of becoming a dental professional. I wanted to help kids like my friend stay fear free throughout their appointments by using gentle techniques and professional medications. Although I opted to follow a different career path, my passion for dentistry remained throughout the years. I will update my site with developments in this industry as soon as they are reported. I will also discuss the benefits of sedation dentistry in detail. Thanks for visiting. I hope you come back soon.
Franklin Steward
When you brush your teeth you may be hoping to keep bad breath at bay or develop a whiter smile. After all, good oral health means that you will get positive feedback from your dentist and only need dental check-ups twice a year. Developing periodontal disease might have something to do with your oral health habits but it can also develop as a result of other factors. Here are five things that you should know about where gum disease comes from, how it may impact your life, and the best way to have it treated.
1. Untreated Gum Disease Can Lead to the Loss of Permanent Teeth - The teeth in your mouth remain firmly in place because they are embedded in the bones that make up your jaw. Strong, healthy gums also help to stabilize teeth. When periodontal disease progresses, it impacts the health of gums and bones, which might cause you to lose some of your teeth.
2. Stress Can be a Contributor to Periodontal Disease - Going through any kind of situation that adds a great deal of stress to your life might either lead to or exacerbate a case of gum disease. This is why some periodontal disease sufferers may exhibit absolutely no risk factors but still need to go through gum disease treatments. If you are feeling stressed out and your dentist tells you that you have gum disease discuss ways that you can lessen your other periodontal disease risks.
3. You May be More Likely to Develop Gum Disease Because of Genetics - A patient might learn that he or she is at risk for periodontal disease simply because other relatives have had it in the past. Your dentist may suggest increasing flossing or request that you schedule more frequent dental examinations if there is a serious concern for your oral health.
4. Periodontal Disease is Highly Treatable - Gum disease leads to many different negative side effects, but early treatment can make periodontal disease very manageable. Advanced cases of gum disease can cause patients to have teeth fall out and have bad breath all the time. If your gums have become more sensitive as of late or you notice blood coming from your mouth while brushing your teeth, find out if you have gum disease and get into treatment quickly.
5. People With Great Dental Hygiene Habits Can Still Get Gum Disease - Developing gum disease is usually luck of the draw. Although you're more likely to develop it if you don't take care of your mouth, dentists also aren't surprised to see patients with impeccable oral hygiene coming in for periodontal disease treatments. Having gum disease identified and treated in its earliest stages generally helps to reverse most of the damage.
For more information, contact local dentists such as Bradley T Piotrowski DDS MSD LLC.