Hey, my name is Shelly Katalgo. My love for sedation dentistry started in high school. My best friend had a severe fear of going to the dentist and I wanted to help her feel better about it. Although I always enjoyed my dental visits, I felt bad that she struggled so much with going to hers. My parents taught me about sedation dentistry and I instantly dreamed of becoming a dental professional. I wanted to help kids like my friend stay fear free throughout their appointments by using gentle techniques and professional medications. Although I opted to follow a different career path, my passion for dentistry remained throughout the years. I will update my site with developments in this industry as soon as they are reported. I will also discuss the benefits of sedation dentistry in detail. Thanks for visiting. I hope you come back soon.
20 May 2017
If your dentist tells you that you need to get braces, this generally means your teeth are crooked and need to be straightened. Braces are more than a cosmetic fix, though, and are a proactive treatment to prevent future injury or problems with your oral health. While your teeth will be straightened in the process, your dentist may also be trying to correct an overbite, crowded teeth, or any other number of problems.
3 March 2017
Certain types of dental situations require you to seek out medical care as soon as possible so the tooth can be saved. One such situation that often requires the timely care of a dentist is when your tooth fractures or breaks. The following indicate that you need to see someone right away. Blood Coming From the Tooth Sometimes, dental fractures are relatively small and you will see a chunk of your tooth releasing that is a few millimeters wide.
17 February 2017
Many people are concerned about their teeth, but not everyone spends as much time thinking about their gums. But caring for the gums properly is essential if you want to prevent gum disease. Use the following tips to keep your gums healthy and ward off gum disease: Consume More Beneficial Minerals Minerals such as calcium and phosphorus are believed to help remineralize teeth and help fight against the bacteria that causes tooth decay and gum disease.
30 January 2017
Small children can easily find themselves a little nervous about going to the dentist. You will want to do everything you can in order to ease their fears so that they will not resist going to the appointment. Also, by being proactive and helping your child work through his or her fears, you can even make it more enjoyable for them. Do Some Role Playing Activities A big part of the fear that children will have is simply due to the fact that they do not know what to expect.
30 January 2017
Your dental hygienist helps keep your teeth in good shape by performing preventive care. During a visit to your dental hygienist, you can expect your teeth to be cleaned. Although you are likely brushing your teeth at least twice a day at home, your efforts will not remove tartar that may have accumulated on your teeth since your last visit to the dental office. Tartar is hardened or calcified plaque. The substance begins to build up when you don't clean your teeth soon after plaque deposits occur.