Understanding The Importance of Sedation Dentistry
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Understanding The Importance of Sedation Dentistry

Hey, my name is Shelly Katalgo. My love for sedation dentistry started in high school. My best friend had a severe fear of going to the dentist and I wanted to help her feel better about it. Although I always enjoyed my dental visits, I felt bad that she struggled so much with going to hers. My parents taught me about sedation dentistry and I instantly dreamed of becoming a dental professional. I wanted to help kids like my friend stay fear free throughout their appointments by using gentle techniques and professional medications. Although I opted to follow a different career path, my passion for dentistry remained throughout the years. I will update my site with developments in this industry as soon as they are reported. I will also discuss the benefits of sedation dentistry in detail. Thanks for visiting. I hope you come back soon.


Understanding The Importance of Sedation Dentistry

  • Three Dental Emergencies That Shouldn't Wait To Be Seen

    13 February 2015

    When most people think of dentists, they think along the lines of fillings, root canals, and fluoride treatments. Dentists, however, are trained to deal with dental emergencies. If you're suffering from one of the situations outlined below, it's important to be seen by a dentist as soon as possible. Toothaches That Don't Respond To Pain Medication While many toothaches have non-emergency causes, such as cavities, your dentist understands that the pain associated with them can be unbearable.

  • 7 Tips To Avoid Bad Breath

    30 January 2015

    Does bad breath prevent you from getting too close to others? If so, there are plenty of ways to correct this problem and avoid it in the future. These seven tips can help you get rid of bad breath for good. 1. Chew Sugar-Free Gum Chewing gum helps rinse away the stinky bacteria in your mouth because it increases the flow of saliva. Sugary gums should be avoided because they often make the problem worse.

  • Deciding Whether To Have Your Wisdom Teeth Removed

    23 January 2015

    If your wisdom teeth aren't hurting you, but your dentist has suggested possibly taking them out, you might want to consider whether you really want to. For many people, the removal of wisdom teeth is almost standard practice, with the procedure being performed on many young adults and teenagers. However, this might not really be necessary unless it is an emergency. In addition, in many older adults the procedure is much more difficult, more likely to cause nerve damage, and takes longer to recover from.

  • Dealing With An Infected Tooth After A Dental Crown Procedure

    15 January 2015

    Once the ordeal of getting a dental crown is over, most patients hope that they will never have to worry about the repaired tooth again. Unfortunately, even with the best dental care, complications can arise both during the recovery process and years after the procedure. If you notice that your tooth is sore, doesn't align properly with your bite or causes a bad taste in your mouth, you may be dealing with an infection that requires prompt medical attention to prevent further damage.

  • Shooting Pain In Your Teeth? How To Get Rid Of The Sensitivity

    5 January 2015

    Sensitive teeth can be a real pain – literally! Many people think that it is something that they must live with because there is no cure and no remedy that they can put to use to reduce or obviate the sensitivity. However, this is not true. Read on to learn more about why your teeth may be sensitive and what you can do about it. What Causes Sensitive Teeth? The pain that you feel with sensitive teeth can be sharp, shooting pain.